
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jan 24, 2017 - Next step

(Sent in January 24, 2017)
Hello everyone! How are you?

Since the first session, I have been getting a great feedback. Excellent!
Based on that, I came up with a few things to discuss with you.

This message covers:

1.      The purpose/goal to participate this study group
2.      Positive “side products” and how to deal with them
3.      Contents/ideas for next session

1.      The purpose/goal to participate this study group 

As far as I see, these are the common reasons why you have been interested in this happening (and why more  people will be interested in it in the future):
You want to

         Develop your business/project
         Make more money
         Learn about marketing
         Meet inspiring people
         Share and contribute with your knowledge and experiences

I think all reasons are very healthy, positive and wonderful.  

Managing some group activities and projects through my life in both private and work, I have discovered the secret of a positive and active community. 

It’s to make all participants know that they are valuable. 

You may sometime feel you are not exactly in the right place when the discussion goes somewhere you are not familiar with. Sometimes you may not understand what’s really going on (I do often in many gatherings!). 

But, please be aware that you are definitely adding your own, unique value to all.

Because we are there to make some positive change to the current situation. And we are the ones who have been creating the current situation.
To change the current situation, there is the famous quote of Einstein: 

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when created them. 

Remember the reasons why people come to this study group.
We all want to make a positive change which you haven’t been able to make by yourself.
That’s why we want to meet someone who has totally a different perspective, situation, sense, culture, etc.

If you can’t understand something others seem to be following, you should share it. And then the others finally understand that “their current way” doesn’t work for someone who they may really want to reach.
With this realization, we can look for the next practical, more effective improvement – “Now what?”  

As I said in the first meeting, things take time to come together whether it is marketing, business or your own life. 

I do encourage everyone to keep coming with your own goals, dreams, knowledge and experiences and share what you have with others.
That’s your unique value, and that’s what people are looking for in this kind of community.

In other words, please just be yourself!

2.      Positive “side products” and how to deal with them 

In the first group session, some interesting topics such as how to get and utilize the grant money were evoked.
I thought it’s a great idea to dig farther such topics in the group. Many people should be interested (I am!) and will be benefitted from it. 

But after that, I rethought about it and changed my mind J 

I think we just stick with marketing in this “Marketing Study Group” for now.
And for not directly marketing-related but important topics, organizing another study session just like I have done with marketing will be a great idea, too. 

Grasp all, lose all.

By separating the topics, I think we can focus on each topic more effectively. 

So I suggest we keep focusing specifically on marketing in this project.
At the same time I encourage you to interact freely and share anything beneficial in between.
Probably we should make a decent ‘break time’ intentionally and we talk freely in that time period?

Please give me any suggestion and comments.

3.      Contents/ideas for next session 

So, what’s next? How about making money?

I have made 2 new video clips.

         Business Model (5:31)
         How to Make Profit (4:48)

Based on these contents, work on your specific situation; figuring out the top business’ model in your industry, break the model into pieces, brain storming for new ideas, etc. 

I have done myself this work and now I have a kind of crazy but exciting business/community making idea. I’ll share it at the meeting J

The tentative date for next session is February 15th or 22nd , the Wednesday evening. How about your schedule? Or should we do on a weekend? 

That’s all for now.
Thank you for reading this long! You are absolutely patient.
Have a good day! 



Monday, January 23, 2017

How To Make Profit

Profit. Yes, profit!
If you have a business, you have to have a profit. But how?

The answer is to have a plan.

To understand how to make an effective plan, you understand the consumer's behavior pattern.

This video explains how to make an effective plan to make profit step by step.

004 How To Make Profit (4:48)

Business Model

A business model is the structure of a business.
It shows how the business makes money.

If you want to improve your business, it is a good idea to examine a successful business model in the world.

Watch successful businesses in the world, break the structure into pieces and apply what you can use to your own business.

This video shows how you can do your brain storming with examples.

003 Business Model (5:31)

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Deep Level of Frustration - Worksheet 002 follow up 1


When you do the work "Frustration and Solution", you now know your audience's frustration.

This video shows some more mental exercise to reach the bottom line of their frustration.

Understand the underlying reasons that stop them from taking a farther action, and then you know how to direct them to a certain place.

002-1: The Deep Level of Frustration (6:15)


Friday, January 6, 2017

Digby Marketing Study Group - Session 1

Thank you everyone!

The first Digby Marketing Study Group session was a great success.

For the participants, this may be a good review of what you've worked through.

  • Are you aware of your potential audience's frustration? (If not, you need more research)
  • Is there an existing solution for the frustration? What is it? (If not sure, you need more research)
  • Is there any challenge/impracticality of the existing solution? What is it?
  • How can you solve that challenge?
  • What is the block to realize it? What is the missing factor?
  • Is your current product matching the audience's frustration/want? (If not, you need to revise/improve your concept/product or change the target audience)
  • Which area needs the most immediate work?

Think about the deep level of the audience's frustration:
e.g. the frustration to attend the Marketing Study Group - not only to promote their own business but they want to help people and contribute the community/society

Update your previous work as needed.

For those who missed the session, here is the short description to see how it started.

Part I  Introduction:  What is Marketing (6:25)
What we are learning and why


Work:  Frustration and Solution (1:00)

002 'Frustration and Solution' Work Instruction Sheet
*Spend at least 10 minutes, longer if possible, and write down as much as you can.

Please try the work yourself to clarify who's your audience, what's their frustration and what can be the solutions for them.
I suggest you prepare a new notebook only for this study group records. There will be more work coming and I found it becomes a great reference later when everything is on  just one notebook.

There are continuous video clips available for the study group members.

Please contact us if you don't have the active links to access those videos.

To contact: send e-mail to info☆
(change ☆ to @ to send the message).

The rest of videos are:

Part II: Sharing the result of work (approx. 9:00)
Brief explanation of the work and 1st sharing (health support and education)

Part III: Sharing the result of work (approx. 22:00)
2nd and 3rd sharing (real estate and renovation; health promotion, community project and tourism)

What's next?
Coming soon, stay tuned.

Digby Marketing Study Group - Pre Info 2

(Sent in Dec. 30, 2016)

Hello everyone,

The date and time is now set for our 1st marketing study session in 2017.

When: January 5th (Thursday), 2017  6:00pm~8:00pm
Where: Digby public library (Isaiah W. Wilson Library  84 Warwick Street)
Cost: free

1. What is ‘Marketing Study Group’? (first 30minutes) 
- Why are we doing this?
- What is marketing?
It is important to clarify these questions because the clearer the goal is, the more effectively you can keep developing yourself.

I made a short video clip (approx. 3mins30secs) to help clarify what we are going to work with.


In the beginning of our face-to-face session, I’ll cover this again with you.

2. How to come up with a good “solution” and “distribution” in this area? (1 hr)

We dig a bit more about the “solution (your product/idea)” and “distribution (how)”.

A good opportunity to share your particular situation and/or challenge with others.

3. What’s next? (last 30  minutes)

Where is our most interest?
What is the immediate need?
After sharing our thoughts, we decide where to work on next.

This is just something to start with. Please don’t get me wrong – I am not a control freak!!! Your open conversation is always welcomed.

Looking forward to seeing you then.

Have a Happy New Year!

Yuki Inoue

Ordinary Family Food & Life Ltd.
177 Lighthouse Rd. Digby NS B0V 1A0
P. (902)247-9017

Digby Marketing Study Group - Pre Info 1

(Sent in Nov. 21, 2016)
Hello everyone,

How are you?
Here is the update about the marketing study group session (for a small local business and project).

It’ll be postponed till late December/early January since everyone seems busy before holidays. I will update the schedule as soon as possible. In the meantime please let me know the good OR bad time for you.

What to discuss/share in the meeting – What I am currently thinking includes:

-  Strategy of your business: where is the cash point and how to make it work
-  Resources: what you have
-  Advertisement: where to expose, who to reach and how
-  Contact: why important and how to manage

Please let me know anything else you want to discuss with others.

The goal of this session is to encourage the supportive network between individuals who try to make things happen. We will talk about the reality in this specific area more than the theories and ideals.

I’ll work as a facilitator and encourage you to share your own thought (challenges, questions, tips, etc).

Sharing your unique resources (knowledge, skills, experiences, human resources, etc), we should be able to work together to promote each project in many ways.

This is a non-profit, voluntarily evolving experimental session.

Please feel free to pass this info on to whoever may be benefited from it.

Talk to you later!

Yuki Inoue

Ordinary Family Food & Life Ltd.
177 Lighthouse Rd. Digby NS B0V 1A0
P. (902)247-9017